Jennie & Edward

Jennie & Edward
In Love

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Love Your Life

“A life well lived does not come easily; you have to plan for it and make it happen. Love Your Life shows how to turn the challenges of each day into opportunities to love and appreciate all that you are. So, grab your favorite coffee or tea, find a comfy chair, and let’s get started!”


  1. well girlfriend.. welcome to the blogging world..
    If you dont mind I will feature you on my blog and invite some of my best Blogging Buddies to stop by and visit..Get ready,,they are some of the best girlfriends in the world.. Congrats.. can wait to visit from time to time..

  2. Welcome to Blogland Jennie. I am Karen's friend here, you will love it and feel such sisterhood. My only advise is..Be have much to offer that no one else does. Come say hi any time :D

  3. Welcome to blogland Jennie, I am a friend of karen,You are going to have lots of fun.Enjoy this new adventure.

  4. Karen introduced me to you. Hope you enjoy blogging.
    It's nice to meet you.
    ~ Julie

  5. Found my way over here from A Glass of Sweet Tea. Look forward to getting to know you and hope you'll stop by my blog as well :-)

  6. Thanks Ladies, I am trying to get comfortable working this site. I hope to give inspirational and Healthy Blogs.

  7. Came over from A Glass of Sweet Tea. Welcome to the world of blogging! Please visit mine anytime.

  8. Welcome to the bloggy world Jennie! I dropped in to say hi...Karen sent me. :)

    Many blessings to you!

  9. Thank you Camille. I Look forward to getting to know you all ♥
